About Soudade


“Soudade”, a word whose origin traces back to the Latin word “Solitas” and which later evolved into our present “Saudade”, the most Portuguese of all Portuguese words, full of emotional, sentimental meaning and invoking our most special moments that together form the happiness of our lives.


Feeling “Saudade” of our houses is what we aim for…. this is our goal, what we aim to achieve in every stay you have with us. A unique and unforgettable experience, that is never enough and to where you want to return for a a second, third, fourth time.


We welcome you, come and visit us.

Connect with us

(+351) 966 096 097

Please solve the following: − 3 = 7
Soudade Da Estação Setúbal
Soudade Do Castelo Palmela
Soudade Da Baía Amora